
How to Grow and Care for Bougainvillea

Bougainvillaeas are dazzling shrubs of leaves and flowers that are moderately easy to grow and perfect for those who want a vibrant addition to their garden. However, they are sensitive to cold temperatures in the winter months and require full sunlight, so it’s important to keep a close eye on them, especially in the early stages of growth. 


Bougainvillaeas love the heat! They require at least six hours of full sunlight a day and can handle even the hottest of summers. If you want your plant to produce an abundance of flowers, make sure it’s sitting in direct sunlight. Oftentimes when bougainvillaeas struggle to bloom, it’s because they aren’t receiving enough light, which will cause the plant to look thin and sparse. 


Potted bougainvillaeas require regular watering. During the hot months, you can expect to water your plant at least once a week. If temperatures reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, consider watering your flowers twice a week to ensure they’re well hydrated. During the winter months, you’ll only need to water them every 2-3 weeks.


Bougainvillaeas are considered tropical plants and prefer to grow in warmer climates. That being said, established vines can withstand colder temperatures in the winter months. However, bougainvillaeas thrive in hardiness zones 9 and above, so if temperatures drop below 30 degrees, we recommend bringing your potted plant inside.


Due to the sap the plant produces, bougainvillaeas are considered mildly toxic to pets. The leaves themselves are not toxic, but a single prick from one of the thorns can lead to skin infections or an allergic reaction, so make sure you keep an eye on your pets! 

If ingested by humans, bougainvillaeas are not toxic or considered a poisonous plant. Our bodies can handle ingesting a plant like this one, but many animals, like cats and dogs, may experience mild illness or symptoms. 

Pests & Problems

Pests: Though bougainvillaeas are typically pest-free, they can occasionally attract pests like aphids, thrips, spider mites, slugs and caterpillars. If you come across a pest problem, consider spraying them with a mixture of dish soap and water, using neem oil or buying an insecticide if you want a harsher solution.

Problems: Like many other plants, bougainvillaeas can be susceptible to common diseases such as root rot, leaf spots and nutrient deficiencies. To avoid this, be sure your bougainvillaeas are well-drained and receive enough water and sunlight.

Repotting and Propagation

Repotting: Since bougainvillaeas are known for their fast-growing habits, regular repotting is recommended to ensure they don’t outgrow their pot. Follow these steps below when repotting your plant:

  1. Remove the plant by grasping the stem near the base. 
  2. Slide the bougainvillaea out of the container with the pot turned on its side. 
  3. Rinse out the pot or container with fresh water and remove any remaining debris. 
  4. Fill the new container with 3 inches of potting soil and carefully place the plant inside. 
  5. Water lightly to keep the soil slightly moist. 

Propagation: Cut stems that are at least 6 inches in length and fill a container with peat and perlite. Place the cutting in the soil mixture (about 1-2 inches deep) and remove any remaining leaves from the stem.

Bougainvillaea FAQs

While bougainvillaeas are relatively easy to take care of, you may still encounter some problems or have questions about how to raise them. Below are some common questions about bougainvillaea care and the plant’s life cycle.

Why is my bougainvillaea dying?

There could be many factors playing a role in the decline of your plant’s health, but one of the most common reasons is overwatering. You’ll begin to notice the leaves falling off and stunted growth, which is a sign to cut back on your watering routine. 

Be sure to take into account the temperature your plant is growing in — in the colder months, you won’t need to water the plant as often as the summer months, when temperatures reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Do bougainvillaeas bloom year-round?

With proper care, bougainvillaeas are known to last year-round when planted outdoors. They thrive in the heat and can withstand colder temperatures — just be sure to bring the plant inside if temperatures reach below 30 degrees to ensure year-round growth.

How do you keep bougainvillaeas blooming?

In order to ensure abundant blooms on bougainvillaeas, make sure the plant is receiving full sunlight. If your container bougainvillaeas are grown indoors year-round, they will experience shorter blooming periods due to a lack of sunlight. To optimize the amount of light the plant gets, place it by a south-facing window. Outdoor bougainvillaeas that are in containers require a sunny spot, ideally by a south-facing wall. 

Whether you choose to grow Delta Dawns or Barbara Karsts, you’ll surely be in for a treat with these vibrant and multicoloured flowers. Bougainvillaeas are a must in any garden and are perfect for all experience levels. With a few of our tips in your back pocket, you’ll be mastering the basics of bougainvillaea care and will become an expert in no time!


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